Pre-release code name of Windows CE .NET.
Test-Driven Development
TDD is a computer programming technique involving writing test cases first ; then, implementing just the code needed to pass the test. Test-driven development gives rapid feedback as part of an Extreme Programming methodology. TDD is not merely a method of testing: Adherents emphasize test-driven development as a method of designing software.
The Common Language Runtime (CLR) generates an exception when an abnormal or unexpected condition occurs in a running application. The process is known as throwing an exception. Exceptions are also thrown programmatically through the use of a throw statement. throw is a C# keyword.
Jakarta Tomcat is the reference implementation of the Java servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies from the Apache Software Foundation. It is the container in which servlets are executed.
T-SQL is a proprietary superset of ANSI SQL from Microsoft and Sybase. T-SQL is enhanced with additional features—flow control language, local variables, user authentication integrated with Microsoft Windows, and various support functions for date processing, mathematics, string processing, etc.
Directory-enabled middleware supporting the federation of identities across corporate boundaries.
try/catch block
Exception handling mechanism in managed code. A try block comprises program statements that may throw exceptions when executed. An associated catch block comprises statements for handling exceptions thrown within the try block. Each try block may have multiple catch blocks for catching specific exceptions—e.g., null pointer, arithmetic overflow, etc. catch and throw are C# keywords.
Data and function members combined to form modular units for building .NET applications. While the the Common Language Runtime (CLR) supports pre-defined types, user-defined types are created programmatically. Types include classes, delegates, enumerations, interfaces, standard modules, and structures.
Type library
Compiled file (.tlb) containing metadata describing data types and interfaces. Type libraries describe COM components, DLL modules, regular functions, and vtable interfaces. The MIDL compiler is used to compile type libraries from Interface Definition Language (IDL) files.
Type Library Exporter
.NET tool (TlbExp.exe) for creating COM type library files based on public types within designated .NET assemblies.
Type Library Importer
.NET tool (TlbImp.exe) for creating managed .NET assemblies from COM type libraries by mapping metadata-encoded definitions to appropriate .NET types.
Type safety
A feature of strongly typed languages like Visual C# and the Java language. Type-safe code accesses memory only in authorized, well-defined, and permissible ways. Type-safe code cannot perform operations that would be invalid for a specific object. The Microsoft Visual C# and VB.NET language compilers produce type-safe code; and, type safety is verified during JIT-compilation. Also, the PEVerify tool can be used to verify code type safety.
Acronym for Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration. A lookup service based on SOAP and XML. Used by Web service providers to advertise their Web services to consumers. And, used by Web service consumers to locate Web Services available on a network.
Conversion of a reference typed object to the associated value type instance. Usually, unboxing is performed explicitly by a cast operation.
Unified Modeling Language
UML is an industry-standard language for specifying, visualizing, building, and documenting the artifacts of software systems standardized by the Object Management Group. UML reduces the complexity of the object oriented software design process by facilitating the creation of software "blueprints".
UNiplexed Information and Computing System (UNIX) was invented in 1969. Today, the term Unix covers a host of variations—including Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris. The UNIX operating system is widely used on very large servers.
Code or data existing outside the control of the Common Language Runtime (CLR), e.g., Win32 API calls, Windows handles.
Unmanaged code
Also called unsafe code, code that executes outside of the control of the Common Language Runtime (CLR). Unmanaged code may perform unsafe operations such as pointer arithmetic. Unmanaged code is used for accessing unmanaged memory, calling Windows APIs, interfacing to COM components, and coding performance-critical methods which avoid the overhead of the CLR.
Unmanaged data
Data allocated outside of the control of the Common Language Runtime (CLR). Unmanaged data is accessible by both managed and unmanaged code.
Unmanaged pointer type
Pointer type that is not managed by the Common Language Runtime (CLR), i.e., a pointer to an unmanaged object or memory.
Unmanaged resource
Object created and-or manipulated outside the control of the Common Language Runtime (CLR). Unmanaged resources include Windows file handles and ODBC database connections.
User-defined type
Reference type defined by the programmer in source code.
Validation server control
Set of server controls bundled with ASP.NET which verifies user input. After coming from HTML server controls and Web server controls, input is checked against requirements defined by the developer. Validation controls check input check on the server side. Also, validation controls can validate using client-side scripting if the user's browser supports DHTML.
Value type
.NET type containing actual data rather than a reference to data stored elsewhere in memory. Simple value types include boolean, character, decimal, floating point, and integer. Value types are stored on the stack rather than the heap thus having quick access and minimal overhead.
Typed memory storage location. The variable type determines the sort of data it can hold and where and how it is stored. Variables include array elements, local variables, parameters, instance and static fields.
An interpreted scripting language featuring a syntax to similar to that of Visual Basic. VBScript is used to create client or server side applications for Microsoft Web development platforms. ASP uses VBScript.
Pre-release code name for Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005. Formerly known as Blackcomb.
Virtual Execution System
VES is the environment for executing managed code. VES defines a virtual machine. Thus, VES supports execution of the Common Intermediate Language instruction set. Also, VES provides support for built-in data types, a set of control flow constructs, and a model for exception handling.
Visual Studio .NET
Microsoft IDE for development of .NET applications. VS .NET has many Eclipse-like features for helping developers of managed code including Intellisense and refactoring. Visual Studio .NET 2003—the second version of Visual Studio—was code named
Visual Studio Team System 2005
This version of VS .NET includes enterprise level tools for development in a team environment. It was code named
Visual Studio Web Developer
A Visual Studio 2005 development environment designed to reduce the amount of coding it takes to produce ASP.NET 2.0 Web applications.
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