Monday, September 22, 2008

Visual C# .NET Dictionary - B, C


A popular, state-of-the-art, open source, integrated development environment (IDE) for Java software development. The project began with a donation from IBM of the source code which became their WebSphere Studio product.


Europian Computer Manufacture Association. The ECMA Standardized Scripting Language—ECMAScript—is an internationally standardized, general purpose, cross-platform programming language used to script actions, events, and objects. Prior to standardization, ECMAScript was known as Netscape Javascript. ECMAScript + DOM 0 is the equivalent of JavaScript 1.1.

Enterprise Instrumentation Framework

EIF enhances the program execution tracing capabilities of the initial .NET Framework release. It enables the use of configurable event filtering and tracing by integrating .NET applications with the Windows event log and tracing services. Business events, diagnostic information, errors, and warnings can be collected and stored for later investigation or can be monitored and reported for runtime analysis.

Enterprise Resource Planning

ERP is an umbrella term for integrated enterprise financial, human resource, and operational management systems.

Enterprise Services

Provides access to COM+ Services from the .NET platform.

European Computer Manufacturers Association

ECMA International is an industry association dedicated to the standardization of communication and information systems. The C# and Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) specifications have been ratified by ECMA as international standards—ECMA-334 (C#), ECMA-335 (CLI), Technical Report TR-84.


Notification by an application or operating system that some event has occurred. An event is fired—raised—when a predefined condition occurs, e.g., focus change in a GUI, interval timer, mouse click. An event handler is called in response to an event. The C# event model is publish and subscribe: Publishers create and publish events: Subscribers register to receive specifc events: Then, publishers send out their events only to subscribers.

Event handler

Method executed in response to an associated event.


Code name of prerelease version of Visual Studio .NET 2003.


When an unplanned or unexpected event occurs, an associated exception object is thrown. The exception will be caught by an exception handler at some level and appropriate action taken. A fatal exception—catastrophic error—is an event that cannot be properly handled to allow the application to continue.

Exception Handling

Process of intercepting—trapping—an exception and acting appropriately in response.

Exchange Server

Microsoft messaging and collaboration server for integrated messaging and data storage. Exchange Server features include calendaring, conferencing, contact management, e-mail, and instant messaging. Exchange Server can store applications, documents, and Web content and make them accessible via Internet protocols like HTTP and NNTP.


File containing program instructions that can be executed by an operating system or runtime environment.

Expression Blend

A Microsoft user interface design tool for building rich graphical interfaces for desktop or Web applications which blend the features of these two applications types. Expression Blend functions like an interactive, WYSIWYG front-end which can be used to desig XAML-based interfaces for both Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Silverlight—Blend version 2.0 plus. Expression Blend is written using the .NET Framework 3.0 and WPF.

Code-named Sparkle, Expression Blend was originally announced as Microsoft Expression Interactive Designer.

Expression Web

A new standards-based, Web site editor bundled in Microsoft's Expression suite together with Expression Graphic—for graphic design—and Expression Interactive—for application design. Expression Web has a WYSIWYG view and generates tight CSS and XML for page layout. It integrates well with Visual Studio. It is intended as a replacement for FrontPage. Expression Web features ASP.NET 2.0-based technology, extensive CSS formatting and management, rich data presentation, standards-based Web sites, and sophisticated CSS-based layouts. .NET Framework 2.0 or later is required.

Extended Array Library

A .NET Framework library which supports non-vector arrays—multi-dimensional arrays with non-zero lower bounds.

Extended Numerics Library

A .NET Framework library which supports the extended precision—System.Decimal—and floating point—System.Single, System.Double— data types. The C# standard and the Base Class Library directly reference this library.

eXtensible Application Markup Language

XAML is a XML-based, declarative language that defines objects and their properties in XML. XAML syntax focuses upon defining the UI (user interface) for the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Therefore, XAML divorces the visual layout from the code behind it. Longhorn applications can be created using this declarative markup language for the interface definition and managed procedure code.

Extreme Programming

XP is founded on cycles of frequent testing, integration, and user review. Also, XP is known for being less theoretically based than other methodologies. XP utilizes the actual source code as the design document and "user stories" as requirements documents. This limits requirements traceability. And, XP vests all control in the the development team— a condition that could run counter to many organizational needs.


F# is a functional and object oriented programming language on the .NET platform. F# is designed to access the .NET APIs facilitating the creation of .NET components written in F#. F# includes a standard library designed for basic compatibilty with the OCaml standard library.

At its core, the F# language resembles the Caml language. Both languages are members of the ML family of programming languages. Both languages have a language subset in common. Thus, core Caml code can easily be ported to .NET. And, core F# code can be made to run with OCaml.

F# is being developed by Microsoft Research. A free Visual Studio plugin provides a graphical F# development environment featuring background type-checking.


Abbreviation for Frequently Asked Questions: a compilation of answers to the most common questions on a particular subject.


Pre-release code name for the Windows release to follow the Vista release. Also known as Vista R2.


Method called automatically when an object is destroyed by the garbage collector. Finalize is useful for releasing unmanaged resources acquired by the object before the object is garbage collected. Managed resources do not require a Finalize method; because, they will be released automatically by the garbage collector. Destructors defined in C# classes are mapped to Finalize methods. Also known as a finalizer.

finally block

Block of statements to be executed regardless of whether or not an exception is thrown. Associated with either a try or a try-catch block. Used to guarantee an operation will be performed despite any exceptions thrown, e.g., releasing a database connection.

Framework Class Library

FCL comprises the thousands of classes constituting the foundation of the .NET Framework. FCL services include core functionality—collections, file and network I/O, system service access, value types, etc.—, database interaction, desktop-based application support—Windows Forms—, Web-based application support—Web Forms—, Web services support, and XML support.


Microsoft research tool for detecting defects in .NET code. It checks for object use being disposed, checks for null fields, verifies that methods are called in the proper order, and more. It lets you create a set of rules for using a class or interface, then enforce the rules.

Functional programming

FP is a programming paradigm which regards computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions while eschewing mutable data and state. Whereas, imperative programming emphasizes changes of state, functional programming stresses the application of functions. The foundation for most functional programming models is lambda calculus.

Functional languages include APL, Caml, Erlang, F#, Haskell, Lisp, ML, Oz and Scheme.


A software mechanism for defining a placeholder or functionality in the code which acts as a pass-through filter before executing the intended functionality. The client is unaware that a functor is being executed prior to the desired object.


Code analysis tool that checks .NET managed code assemblies for conformance to the Microsoft .NET Framework Design Guidelines. FxCop uses callgraph analysis, MSIL parsing, and reflection to inspect assemblies for more than two hundred possible defects in library design, localization, naming conventions, performance, security.

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... Paresh Bhole